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"Free Your Mind" Youth Mental Health Pop-Up Events

We believe that encouraging optimism, self-esteem, humor, independence, self-reliance, and creativity in kids fosters resiliency.

Image by Dan Meyers

Why does Milwaukee need Mental Health support for Youth?

-1 in 4 Milwaukee city / county adults have a mental health condition.

-Mental health was identified as the #1 health issue in Milwaukee County


Is there a disparity? Yes – People of color in Milwaukee County have the highest percentage of diagnosis of mental health conditions with 45% Hispanic or Latino, 33% of Black and 29% of other



Image by Sydney Sims

How do social conditions, access to resources, and risk/protective factors impact this issue?

-Mental health stigmas, disparities, lack of awareness and providers are driving forces in creating barriers to all Milwaukee residents to reach their full health potential.

-COVID-19 has led to chronic anxiety and stress among parents and families.

-Social isolation impacts older adults and community members with different disabilities.  

- Barriers to accessing mental health services include cost, long waiting lists, system navigation, and knowledge about available services.

- Black and Indigenous adults have the highest rates of ER visits due to adult mental health issues.

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